Thursday, February 25, 2010

Advantages of Mobile Nails

Many ladies who like their hair and nails done go to a salon. They feel pampered and enjoy the social interaction with the members of the salon. Finding a good mobile therapist will make you feel the same and better as their are many advantages of booking in a mobile beauty therapist to do your nails.

Salons have to pay allot more overheads including rent, rates, wages, national insurance, bills etc. To cover all of this they have to inflate their prices. Typically salons charge £35 plus for Bio Sculpture Overlays. Mobile therapists have none of these overheads, but do have the additional cost of motoring costs and therapist insurance. In comparison I charge £25 (at time of writing) for a set of Bio Sculpture Gel Overlays. Making a great saving for you over a salon price.

Most of us lead very busy lives, and responsibilities like children (and the other half!) that keep us housebound. Finding a babysitter so that you can visit a salon can be a pain. Mobile therapists like myself visit you in the comfort of your home and I'm quite used to children running round whilst I professionally finish your nails. Booking a mobile nail technician can fit perfectly around your busy life.

Quickly most of my clients become my friends! Employing a mobile technician ensures you get the same person every time to do your nails, and a relationship is built around that. This not only helps us get along better but it also helps me learn how to finish your nails to suit you. your more likely to get a consistent good finish to your requirements when you build a relationship with a mobile therapist.

Some customers are worried perhaps that a mobile therapist will not be able to offer as good a finish as a salon nail technician. This is simply not the case, in fact the reverse is true! Most mobile nail technicians come from a salon background, have the same training and many years of salon experience. It is the fact that they are so good at what they do that has enabled them to leave the salon environment and make a bit more money than the very low wage of a salon therapist.

If you have any concerns about having me visit your home and finish your nails please don't hesitate to contact me. I like to think I'm extremely friendly and very approachable!